Kade ROBINSON - Moment in Time Writing T2 Wk8 - Oops, Danger

Moment in Time Writing Term 2 Week 8

WALT write "a moment in time" writing.
Specific goals (Please highlight yours)
  • I can support my ideas with detail and write content relevant to the task  (Ideas)
  • I can communicate precise meaning related to the topic and use a range of written features to engage the audience; e.g. metaphors, similes, onomatopoeia  (Vocabulary)
  • I can use language that is suitable to the topic, audience and purpose and use a text structure that is appropriate to the purpose e.g., an orientation, a problem, a climax, and a satisfying resolution (for a narrative); opening, closing and middle paragraphs covering maximum of 5 minutes in Moment in Time Writing (Structure & Language)

  1. Oops                                          Danger
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What can you:
See a soggy wet cat that is getting teased by the dirty gold fish.
A cute little cat that got teased by dirty fish
Hear i can hear the fish splashing the water and the water getting in my ears.

Smell there is lots of different smells i stands out the most tho and it is the dirty water.

Feel i can feel the fish swirling around my feet.

Taste i can taste dirty water going in my mouth.

What do you:
Think i think the fish are being dirty animals.

Do jump into the tank and eat them.

Feel soggy water pushing up against my majesty fur

Say i said to the fish you are lucky and you treat

Vary your sentence starters and try to use good linking words between paragraphs.
Write your “moment in time” writing here using this format:
i just built a new house.We got two fish with it i look at them alot swimming around the tank.Pulling funny faces and teasing me.

They always swim around me and i go for them i jump into the water wait i forgot there is glass even know i can't see glass.I will try jump from the top now i jump in.OOO MY GOD That is so cold i and going to jump out before i drown to death.Or freeze into a ice cube.

I get my mom to get me a towel so i can dry of but the fish are still teasing me.

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